Blog #5 Pic

Client FAQs

Are you considering engaging a recruiting agency but unsure how to go about the process during this pandemic? You’re not alone! This blog post will answer some of the most commonly asked questions and ease your mind. Kevin Vesci, one of our Managing Principals, addresses some frequently asked questions from our clients here:

Q: Are candidates open to interviewing and potentially starting remotely? 

A: Absolutely, we have found that the market has never been hotter. The pandemic has allowed candidates to really evaluate their current situations and realize that it is a great time to seek a better opportunity. The fact that candidates are working from home and interviews can be done virtually has really streamlined the interview process.

Q: How has the market changed for candidates? 

A: The common denominator is culture – the companies that recognize that the work environment has shifted and that have embraced the work from home model are the ones that attract the top talent. If you are unwilling to change how you are doing things you are going to miss out on top talent.

Q: I need to hire, but how can I do that during this time? 

A: We get this a lot! We consult our clients on making sure they have an infrastructure setup for on-boarding. This includes ensuring all technology is in place, a solid remote new hire orientation, weekly Zoom meetings, pairing them with current employees to learn the culture, and being a mentor, to name a few.

Stay tuned for future blog posts containing more FAQs from clients and candidates.

For more information and any additional questions:

The Right Team. Right Now.

Photo by stockwerk-fotodesign/

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