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Important Things to Consider Before Deciding to Change Jobs

If you are thinking a job change, there are many things to consider before starting the process. Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself before deciding to move forward:

Is it the right time to change jobs?

Right now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, certain industries are hiring more than others. This is the time to do some research and consider if it will be feasible to find other opportunities in your industry. It is also the time to evaluate all aspects of your life and decide if the timing is appropriate and whether or not it will be sustainable for your lifestyle.

What is the reason I want to change jobs?

In other words, what are the main complications or concerns (if any) at your current job that are causing you to contemplate leaving? For example, maybe you feel there is limited room for growth in your current role, or that your workplace is a toxic environment. Or, maybe it is not specific to this job and you have a financial, personal or a mental health-related reason. Whatever the reason may be, it is important to identify this in an effort to guide your decision-making during this process.

Can my problems or concerns (if any) be resolved at my current job?

In some cases, it can be easier try to address any issues you have at your current job versus finding a new job. If you believe there is a possibility of resolving the problem with your company, bring it to an HR representative in a respectful and professional manner. Determining if it can be fixed at your current job will give you the clarity you need, regardless. For example, if you discover the problem can be resolved but you still feel that you want to leave, then you will feel even more confident in your decision to start the job search process and ultimately make a move.

Is my problem likely to be fixed at a new job?

There will always be a level of uncertainty when starting a new job & change can be difficult! You don’t always know if things will be different or if you will face the same challenges. This is the time to discern if your problems or concerns are specific to your current job. No job or company is perfect, and there will always be challenges no matter what, it is just a matter of what types of challenges you are willing to work through. Be sure to conduct some in-depth research on the company before deciding if it would be a good fit for you.

Do I have a clear goal or idea of what I want to be doing with my career?

If you are unsure of where you want your career to go next, you’re not alone! It can be pretty difficult to start a job search when you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. Take your time and carefully determine your career goals before making any decisions. Reflect on your experience at your job by making a “pro and con list”. This will frame your decision-making and provide you with a clear picture of your ideal role and work environment. While doing this, be sure to remain productive and efficient in your current job!

Am I utilizing all job search tools at my disposal?

There are several search tools at your disposal, but sometimes it can still be difficult to find the right fit for you. If you are looking for a position in accounting or finance, reach out to one of our Xplora team members and let us help you customize your search and proactively identify the right companies for you, based on your search criteria. Check out our website and our first blog post for more information on our services:

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We know that there are many factors involved in considering a job change and that there is no cookie-cutter way to handle it, but we hope that some of these questions will help you think critically about making such a big decision. Happy job hunting!

The Right Team. Right Now.

Photo by Kinga/